Comments on: Mysteries of the Heart - Infographic Expanding Heart Connections Wed, 19 Sep 2018 22:39:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rikki Rix Wed, 11 Jul 2018 14:51:00 +0000 Suzanne,
I like how you are referring to all semantic references of the “heart,” as interconnected synchrony. Interesting that you mentioned it all goes back to the core heart, as the source. I find that definitely resonates, in my EFT/matrix work as a client.
Thanks for sharing.

By: Suzanne Biddiscombe Wed, 11 Jul 2018 11:54:00 +0000 I think it is essential to bring all three nervous systems into regulation/coherence – head, heart and guts. But is very clear to me because I work as an energy psychology practitioner, with people, who have a lot of trauma, that everything always comes back to the heart. Everything. My clients may initially, as they begin to “unfreeze” and come out of their trauma capsules, have a lot of gut/intestinal issues or uncomfortable sensations, as they connect with their feelings – i.e. the fear, feeling trapped, etc. but as we peel though the layers, and there are always layers. we seem to always arrive eventually to the grief which is always under the anger, which is under the fear. And it always brings us to the area of the heart. I find it essential to heal the grief, so one can reconnect with self and others in my experience.

By: Roberto Rossi Wed, 11 Jul 2018 08:28:00 +0000 I agree with those statements, but I think that using the
power of the gut is more powerful, the power of the hara or dantien (as
teached in martial arts). The best thing is to use the three brain of
the body: mind, heart and gut. I experienced a meditation
that focuses in those three brains at the same time, is more powerfull.

By: b .teunissen Fri, 15 Sep 2017 06:38:00 +0000 Rose, where can i find an link or pictures of what you can show?

By: Patrick Clemmond Rattey Sat, 12 Aug 2017 09:31:00 +0000 Although Emotion is a physical experience, managed by the Limbic System of the brain, stimulated through the hypothalamus, that serves as an interface between pre-frontal lobe Consciousness and Emotion. Now consciousness is also referred to commonly as the ‘Spirit’ by the writers of various ancient belief systems. They would frequently interchangeably refer to the heart and Spirit as being one organ, hence the confusion of there being a spiritual heart, and the physical blood pump heart. So, we can safely conclude that consciousness is linked to Emotion. But what influences consciousness, where does the inspirational energy come from that produces thought and imagination ? and the answer lies in the heart.
Throughout ancient Judeo-Christian scripture, we are taught that God is the discerner of the heart, and the condition of the heart preceeds human behaviour, the will, whether positive or negative.
The human body, driven by the ‘instinct to survive’, is pivotal to our understanding of the nature of fear. Through mere words and vocal intonation the instinct to survive is able to stir up fear in in the ‘hearts’ of a Nation if wielded by men of influence.

By: Patrick Clemmond Rattey Sat, 12 Aug 2017 08:33:00 +0000 I used to have the same issue Richard. However, after some time looking into HeartMath discoveries combined with my knowledge and understanding of spirituality, mainly from the Judeo Christian perespective, when looking a lot deeper than the average believer would, I have found numerous correlations and agreements. Science is catching up to spirituality. In many ways shedding light, explaining what traditionally was classified as mysteries. Very briefly, as I understand it Richard, the physical heart responds too, and transmits spiritual energy via the electromagnetic torroidal field surrounding every human bodyssey with the heart at the epicenter. What connects us to the all encompassing Spirit, or field, or even now referred to as the Divine Matrix. Now I don’t expect you to immediately buy into what I’m saying, as you will need to look into both science and spirituality to fino the correlations I speak of. I have come to these conclusions after many years of searching for answers. Believe me, your mind will be blown away when this light dawns upon your understanding. 🙂

By: Dagmar Palmerova Sat, 29 Apr 2017 00:59:00 +0000 How can we get it through to transhumanist science before….

By: Nelly Osorio Mon, 03 Apr 2017 16:40:00 +0000 The findings about the Heart Brain are outstanding to be able to understand heart connections, intuition and other benefits for the Humankind. The HeartMath Insitute has made highly important contributions to the understanding of the heart and brain function and benefits. Thanks..!

By: Jaqueline Moura Mon, 03 Apr 2017 00:34:00 +0000 Thank you for sharing!! This is amazing! Namaste

By: Rose Franco Sun, 02 Apr 2017 04:21:00 +0000 Very interesting information……I am an ultrasound sonographer and when performing OB ultrasounds,I tell my patients that the heart is formed before the brain, and I can clearly show them on the monitor where the heartbeat is before anything else develops.
